This project demonstrates our dedication to

Rautaki Māori

Future Ready Trends

Our Waikato Community  



We introduced several environmental infrastructure solutions that will have nil-to-limited impact on the land. 


Our Waikato Community  


Embedding Te Mana o te Wai into our programme of work allowed us to put our community at the heart of our design.

Future Ready Trends


As the intersection is located on an existing flood plain on State Highway 1, WSP and Waka Kotahi undertook a flood risk assessment and developed a hydrological model to assess any flooding affects from the project.

Rautaki Māori

WSP and Waka Kotahi created and maintained  a strong partnerships with mana whenua.

This was demonstrated via: He Aronui partnerships that enhance the mana of Māori and WSP. 

Creating a design that incorporated mātauranga māori and cultural sensitive elements into the stormwater design. 

 Giving effect to Te Mana O Te Wai and Te Mana O Te Awa.